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Safeguard Your Home When You’re Away

Posted on January 21, 2025

Safeguard your home

You’ve made your travel arrangements and packed your suitcases, but what have you done to safeguard your home while you are on vacation?

Even though we live in a very safe area, burglaries can happen. Belvedere Police Chief Jason Wu urges you to take a few simple steps to help protect your property when you’re away.

  • Have a visible light on a timer that goes on at dark and turns off at bedtime.
  • Stop newspaper delivery and have mail held at the post office.
  • If you have an alarm system, be sure all potential entry points are activated. And remember to turn it on when you leave.
  • Consider investing in a doorbell with a camera.
  • Sign up for Belvedere’s Vacation Check Program so our Police Department can pay particular attention to your property while you’re out of town.
  • Tell your immediate neighbors when you will be away.

Chief Wu also encourages residents to “be the eyes of your neighborhood. And don’t hesitate to call the police at (415) 435-3266 to report any suspicious activity.”

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