Please join the Planning Commission meeting this evening at 6:30pm in person or via Zoom.

Review and Comment on Belvedere’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Towns and cities are periodically required to update their Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The LHMP is used to identify and address hazards within their communities. Adoption of a plan is required to be eligible to receive Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding for certain projects.

Due to the similarities between municipalities in Marin County, a Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJLHMP) has been created with sections specific to jurisdictions within the County. The County hosted a Town Hall and gathered information from local agencies, organizations and County residents. Local residents of Belvedere have an opportunity to review and add their comments to the plan.

Provide feedback

Residents of Belvedere are encouraged to provide comments and feedback on the Proposed LHMP Plans. Feedback will be shared with the administrators of the MJLHMP for consideration.

Comments should be emailed to Paul Bockrath at


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