Belvedere BBQ in the Park
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Belvedere Community Picnic-in-the-Park
Belvedere Community Park
* Free BBQ provided by the Belvedere Community Foundation and served up by the Tiburon Fire Department
* Bouncy House for the kids
* Learn lifesaving techniques from Dr. Cromwell
* Meet first responders
* Learn how to build a Go-Bag and a Stay-Bag from the Belvedere Police Department
* Meet City Staff and Council Members
* Meet community organizations to learn about what they do
* Discover Community Volunteer opportunities
* Meet Block Captains and learn about the program and how you can get involved
* Learn about Age Friendly Belvedere, Vivalon and the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force
* Meet members of the Parks, Open Space and Lanes Committee
* Learn about all that is going on at the Belvedere Tiburon Library
For more information or to get involved, email