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Small Home Projects – Expedited Staff Review (1-2 Day)

Small-sized home projects often only require an Expedited Building Staff Review before a building permit can be issued. This process is usually completed in 1-2 Days.

Small home projects are typically characterized as:

  • Change of contractor.
  • Minor interior electrical repairs, upgrades, or temporary electrical service not requiring plans.
  • Minor interior plumbing repairs, upgrades, or water heater replacement, not requiring plans.
  • Minor interior mechanical repairs, upgrades, or HVAC replacement, not requiring plans.

Roofing and window change-outs. Please contact the Planning Department before submitting a Building Permit applications. These items must be formally exempted from Design Review.

Next Steps

If you think your project qualifies for Expedited Building Staff Review, complete the Building Permit Application and submit it with applicable supporting documents to the Planning & Building Department.

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