City Hall will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

What information is needed on the plans I submit for a building permit?

Each Sheet Of The Plans must include the follow basic information: Job Address; Drawing Scale(s), the date of the drawings, Assessor’s Parcel Number; Owner’s Name; printed contact information, the signature of the person preparing the plans; plans prepared by an Architect or Engineer must stamped and signed. Page 2 of 3 Information Required On Permit Documents: The scope of the work must be shown in a clear and concise manner. Provide only information that is pertinent to the scope of the project. The following is a list of basic requirements, but is not intended to be a comprehensive list, nor would every item be pertinent to every job.

  1. Cover sheet with Sheet index, Scope of Work written description, Conditions of Approval, Vicinity Map
  2. Floor plan of each level, label all rooms as to their use, existing and/or proposed. If remodeling, clearly identify new from existing elements.
  3. Site plan including:
    • Property lines, with dimensions, setbacks, easements, natural features.
    • Contour lines, showing elevation changes on the property.
    • North arrow.
    • Names of abutting streets.
    • The outline of existing and proposed buildings/additions, with dimensions.
    • Driveway and other hard surface parking areas.
    • Location of building sewer, septic tank and leach fields.
    • Location of existing electrical meter/service equipment, label amperes and whether existing service is overhead or underground.
    • Site drainage, conveyance system, and termination.
  4. A survey, performed by a state licensed surveyor.
  5. Erosion control plan (erosion control must be in place at all times throughout the course of the construction project).
  6. Building exterior elevations – all sides.
  7. Complete structural drawings including foundations, floor, roof, deck, and wall framing plans. Roof/floor truss layout plan with calculations. A detail is required for each condition where new construction connects to existing construction (foundation, floor, walls, and roof).
  8. Cross sections and details to sufficiently describe all construction. Include waterproofing and flashing methods for new opening in exterior walls and for infill framing where an opening is to be eliminated.
  9. Fireplace details or manufacturer’s installation instructions.
  10. Stairway, handrail and guardrail details.
  11. Size, opening and type of glass windows and skylights.
  12. Location of electrical panels, switches, outlets and types of lights.
  13. Plumbing fixtures with locations dimensioned and the fixture flow-rate.
  14. Details of heating equipment (size, location and type of fuel).
  15. Compliance with the California Energy Commission requirements (Energy Calculations) CF-1R (from Energy Calculations) on plans and in booklet form. Continuing energy documentation will also be required throughout the construction project.
  16. Any and all information necessary to describe the work and show that it will conform to the provisions of the codes, ordinances and laws as adopted by the City of Belvedere.

Note: If you are unable determine which items would apply to your project, please contact the City of Belvedere Building Department at (415) 435-3838.

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