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Archives: FAQs

Why do I pay a Fire Tax in the first place?

In 1980, Belvedere dissolved its all-volunteer fire department and began contracting with Tiburon Fire Protection District for professional fire protection and emergency medical services. In the same year, Belvedere voters approved a parcel tax – the Fire Tax – to cover the cost of this new service. The Fire Tax adjusts modestly each year to … Continued

Why do voters have to approve an increase in the budget ceiling?

In 1979, California voters approved Proposition 4, which limits the growth in state and local government spending financed from tax revenue to 1978-1979 levels with modest annual adjustments. Spending of tax proceeds above this “Gann Limit” must be approved by a simple majority vote of the electorate at least every four years. Since the Fire … Continued

What happens if the Fire Measure fails?

If a simple majority of Belvedere voters do not support the Fire Measure, the City cannot spend the Fire Tax revenue it collects – beginning in FY 2024-25. Fire Tax receipts account for $1.1 million of the current-year $10.3 million City budget ($8.1 million budget net of TFPD contract costs). In such an event, the … Continued

Do I need to obtain project approval from Marin County Sanitary District 5?

The City of Belvedere is not a full-serve city. This means that the City utilizes outside jurisdictional authorities/districts to provide services to the community. One of these authorities is Marin County Sanitary District 5. This district has statutory authority over the sewer laterals supplying residences within the City of Belvedere. Additionally, there are codes and … Continued

Does my roof project require Planning review and approval?

Your roof project will need Planning review and approval as it will require you to file either a Design Review Application or a Design Review Exemption Application. New roofs as wells as repairs and replacement to existing roofs are governed by Belvedere Municipal Code, 20.04.140 – Materials and Colors Used. The code specifies that all … Continued

Does my roofing project require a building permit?

Any roofing project, new as well as repair and replacement of existing, requires a building permit unless the repair and replacement is less than 100 square feet. You can learn more about Building Permit Requirements here. Note: Regardless of whether or not you roofing project requires a building permit, it will need Planning review and … Continued

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