Please join the City Council Annual Retreat today from 9am to 2pm at the Belvedere Community Center or via Zoom

Business Licenses

Any individual or company doing business in Belvedere is required to purchase a business license. This includes commercial and home-based businesses located in Belvedere, as well as businesses located elsewhere entering Belvedere to do business.


  • Business License Tax - Annual: $160
  • Business License - Relocation Fee: $15
  • Business License - Duplicate/Replacement: $15
  • Business License - Penalty: $160

To Apply or Renew a Business License

To apply or renew online, click here or you can download an application here.


Business licenses must be renewed annually. Renewal notices are sent no later than December 15 of each year to all businesses or merchants currently licensed with the City of Belvedere. If you do not receive your renewal, or have questions, please contact City Hall at (415) 435-3838.


Belvedere's Municipal Code outlines the timeline and process for requesting a refund as follows:

5.04.045 Apportionment procedure. In any case where the licensee believes that the amount of the license tax paid exceeds one-half percent of that portion of his gross receipts earned from or attributable to business activities conducted within the City, he may apply to the City Manager for an adjustment of the tax. Such application must be made within the first thirty days after the end of the calendar year for which the adjustment is sought. The applicant shall, by sworn statement and supporting testimony, show his method of business and his total gross receipts for the year earned from or attributable to business activities conducted in the City. The City Manager shall then conduct any investigation he deems necessary, and shall fix the license tax for the applicant in an amount equal to one-half of one percent of the gross receipts earned from or attributable to business activities conducted in the City. If it is determined that the tax due is less than the amount paid by the applicant, the City shall refund the excess to the applicant. (Ord. 94-4 § 1 (part), 1994; Ord. 79-3 § 1, 1979.) You can find the Business License Tax Refund Application here.

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