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Public Works


Antony Boyd
Public Works Director

450 San Rafael Avenue
Belvedere, CA 94920
Monday through Friday
7:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm


The Public Works department manages and maintains the city’s network of roadways and public rights of way, buildings, parks, storm drain inlets, and other public facilities.

Lozano, AJ Maintenance Worker (415) 435-4111 Email
Boyd, Antony Public Works Director (415) 435-8926 Email
Barry, Chris Associate Engineer (415) 435-8903 Email
Carranza, Alberto Maintenance Supervisor (415) 435-4111 Email
DeMartini, Roy Maintenance Worker (415) 435-4111 Email
Moe, John City Engineer (415) 435-8903 Email
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