With an eye to improving efficiency and effectiveness, the City Council voted to reduce the number of Planning Commissioners from the current seven to five. The rationale for the change includes a reduction in staff time per project, easing the home visit requirement for applicants, and shortening meeting duration. Because a five-person commission requires at...
The City Council Retreat will be held on Thursday, February 13 at the Belvedere Community Center, starting at 9am and concluding around 2pm. This pivotal gathering will chart the path for our city’s objectives and strategies for 2025. Topics include emergency planning, budget review, long term infrastructure needs, housing element implementation, and Police Department staffing....
You’ve made your travel arrangements and packed your suitcases, but what have you done to safeguard your home while you are on vacation? Even though we live in a very safe area, burglaries can happen. Belvedere Police Chief Jason Wu urges you to take a few simple steps to help protect your property when you’re...
Everyone has an opinion about traffic on Tiburon Boulevard. Share yours by completing a questionnaire developed as part of the Town of Tiburon’s 2024-25 Transportation Study. The survey, open to anyone who lives or works in Tiburon or Belvedere, asks about your experiences traveling on and near Tiburon Boulevard and seeks your ideas for easing...
There are currently two coyotes living on Belvedere Island -- an adult female and her 8-month-old offspring. The male partner was found dead last October. A toxicology report revealed antifreeze and illegal rodenticides in his system. Rodenticides can work their way up the food chain to coyotes, owls and hawks. If you use a pest...
Belvedere voters re-elected Sally Wilkinson to the City Council and elected Pat Carapiet and Kevin Burke as new members of the council - all serving four-year terms. They join Jane Cooper and Peter Mark, whose terms continue for another two years. As is Belvedere's custom, council members exchanged leadership roles at their December meeting. Jane...
Among the hundreds of volunteers who help make Belvedere thrive, we honor both a Citizen of the Year and a Citizen Emeritus. This year’s honorees were selected unanimously by a committee of previous Citizens of the Year. Belvedere's 2024 Citizen of the Year is the dynamic couple of Marsha and Michael Lasky, who have each...
Storms can cause extensive damage to our homes and the surrounding community. Visit the Storm Preparation page on the Belvedere website to learn strategies for keeping your home safe during the winter. Be aware that flooding in Belvedere may occur when heavy rainfall is combined with a high tide. Storm runoff or erosion also can...
After a rigorous public recruitment process, we are happy to announce that Belvedere's Public Works Department has hired AJ Lozano for the role of Public Works Maintenance Worker. AJ grew up in San Rafael and before being hired by the city, operated his own landscape company. He is an avid gardener in his spare time...
Do you have an issue, question, concern or problem related to life in Belvedere? We want to hear from you! Please visit the Report an Issue page on our website for all the details of who to contact about what. Belvedere City Hall is open to serve you Monday through Thursday from 8am to 12pm...
Belvedere City Hall will be closed Monday December 23, 2024, through Friday, December 27, 2024, and on New Years Day, Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Construction work is not allowed on Tuesday December 24, Wednesday December 25, 2024 or Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
At its November 12 meeting, the City Council approved the submittal of the second revision of the Belvedere Housing Element Update to the California Department of Housing and Urban Development (HCD). This revision responds to HCD’s latest comments and includes edits from the Planning Commission and City Council. The update lays out prospective areas of...
The Ranch – our local organization that offers classes from Bridge to Zumba -- invites you to take its Adult Recreation Program Survey. This brief, online questionnaire seeks your opinion on their programs, as well as suggestions for activities you’d like them to offer in the future. They want to hear from you whether you’re...
We love our parks! Whether it’s playing fetch with our dogs, celebrating special occasions or attending Concerts in the Park, residents of Belvedere enjoy our parks to the fullest – and our lawns are showing the inevitable wear and tear. That’s why our Public Works crew will be implementing their seasonal, three-pronged turf management program...
What is a favorite food of rodents, raccoons and coyotes? Fruit! Many of our apple, fig and plum trees are abundant this time of year - attracting unwanted wildlife. Ensure ripe fruit is picked and fallen fruit is removed daily. Remove debris or brush piles that may harbor rats. Remove bird/squirrel feeders and pick up...
At their September 9 meeting, the City Council adopted an Emergency Operation Plan. This plan, along with the recently adopted Belvedere Hazardous Mitigation Plan, form the framework for preparing the community for potential emergency situations. The Council also directed City staff to put together a working group to continue to update and further develop the...
Also at the September 9 Councill meeting, City Manager Robert Zadnik reported that Belvedere has begun exploratory discussions with Tiburon Fire Protection District about the possibility of annexing into the district. Tiburon Fire has protected Belvedere since 1980, and the city has begun to explore whether we can formally join the district in a way...
It's always exciting when we are able to promote within our Belvedere community. Congratulations to Jeremy Clark on his well-deserved advancement from Police Officer to Police Sergeant. As one of our six police force members, Sergeant Clark has served Belvedere with honor and dedication since 2019. In his new role, he will mentor newer officers, serve...
The mission of the Belvedere Community Foundation (BCF) is to enhance the quality of life, promote generosity and encourage volunteerism in Belvedere. Thanks to the generosity of the BCF and their donors, our community has directly benefitted from grants totaling over $100,000 this past year. The BLC helps fill gaps in our City’s general fund budget,...
The City Council will interview candidates to fill an open seat on the Belvedere-Tiburon Joint Disaster Advisory Council at the October 14 meeting. The Disaster Advisory Council's purpose is to lead ongoing efforts to improve disaster preparedness and oversight on the Peninsula. Meetings are held once a quarter. To be considered, please apply by October 7. Email a letter...
On June 15, the second annual Belvedere BBQ in the Park, organized by Adam Gavzer (shown in the center photo above with fellow Block Captain Paige Peterson), was held in Community Park. Belvedere residents grilled up burgers and hot dogs, while attendees had the opportunity to learn about volunteer opportunities, emergency preparedness and local support organizations....
At their July 8 meeting, the City Council appointed two new members to the Parks, Open Space and Lanes Committee: Marika Bergsund and John Schirm. They will join members Nicholas Markman, Charlie Harrington and Wayne Stacy. Also at the meeting, Public Works Director Tony Boyd reported that a recent assessment of our city streets found...
Ever wonder what City Council members do? For starters, councilmembers make decisions about a wide range of topics, including approving the city’s budget, hearing appeals to Planning Commission decisions, setting policy, approving revocable licenses, and responding to resident concerns. The five councilmembers also split responsibility for sitting on 23 different committees. Some are local, such...
Simple, home-made deterrents can help keep coyotes fearful of humans, while also protecting you and your dog when out for a walk. An easy-to-carry scare stick, made by tying mylar ribbon to a stick, confuses a coyote when you wave it vigorously out in front of you. A plastic trash bag easily fits in your...
Today, Belvedere reiterated its concerns that Caltrans’ $19.7 million Capital Preventive Maintenance project along SR 131 (Tiburon Boulevard) does not adequately address potential traffic and safety impacts. A significant part of the project includes the addition of bike lanes on both sides of the highway from the 101 interchange to Trestle Glen. Having received extensive...
On June 10, the City Council adopted a $11.8 million budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Despite generally healthy finances, the staff report and the Council discussion highlight concerns related to the growing fire funding deficit, rising pension costs, and essential capital improvements. This budget prioritizes repairing three sections of Beach Road via the $2.2...
At the June 10, 2024 meeting, the City Council appointed several new members to the Planning Commission and three city committees. New planning commissioners are Justin Botros, Don Schinske and Jena Watson. Jeff Aguero will join reappointed member Chelsea Schlunt on the Belvedere-Tiburon Joint Recreation Committee, and Wayne Stacy will join the Parks, Open Space...
The city received numerous applications from many qualified college students for the City Management Internship Program, and we are delighted to introduce the two Belvedere locals selected for this summer program. Sydney Moseley just finished her first year at UCLA studying mathematics and applied science with a minor in Spanish. Sydney is a volunteer with...
On November 5, 2024, the city will hold a general municipal election to fill three seats on the City Council. To become a candidate, you must be over 18 years of age and a registered voter in Belvedere. The nomination period begins July 15, 2024, and ends on August 9, 2024. If one of the...
Many aspects of Belvedere that make it an ideal place for us to live also make it an attractive environment for coyotes. A pair of coyotes came here and stayed because they found plenty of food resources and shelter opportunities. They are particularly attracted to our construction sites, vacant properties, dense vegetation, quiet streets, abundant...