Please join the Planning Commission meeting this evening at 6:30pm in person or via Zoom.

FAQ Topic: Building FAQs

Do I need to obtain project approval from Marin County Sanitary District 5?

The City of Belvedere is not a full-serve city. This means that the City utilizes outside jurisdictional authorities/districts to provide services to the community. One of these authorities is Marin County Sanitary District 5. This district has statutory authority over the sewer laterals supplying residences within the City of Belvedere. Additionally, there are codes and … Continued

Does my roofing project require a building permit?

Any roofing project, new as well as repair and replacement of existing, requires a building permit unless the repair and replacement is less than 100 square feet. You can learn more about Building Permit Requirements here. Note: Regardless of whether or not you roofing project requires a building permit, it will need Planning review and … Continued

Do I need a building permit for my fence project?

Building permits are required in Belvedere for all additions, alterations, repairs, and for all maintenance that is done to electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems. Fences and gates not higher than 6 feet are subject to building permit exemption. However, most all exterior changes, including fences, require Planning Design Review, even if a building permit is … Continued

Do I need a building permit for my project?

Building permits are required in Belvedere for all additions, alterations, repairs, and for all maintenance that is done to electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems. The following work is exempt from a building permit when being done as a single activity or not in conjunction with a larger project: Painting, wallpapering, bookshelves, cabinets, tile or marble … Continued

How do I schedule a building inspection?

To request an inspection, please call (415) 435-8915. As long as the inspection request is called in before midnight, an inspection may be performed the very next working day. No inspections are performed during the weekends or holidays, and no construction is permitted on those days.

What is the plan check turn-around time for a Building Permit Application?

Permit applications are divided into three categories that determine the timeline for either the permit approval or for the initial plan review comments. Some home projects limited in size are subject to Building Permit Exemption when being done as a single activity or not in conjunction with a larger project. These include: Painting, wallpapering, bookshelves, cabinets, tile … Continued

What information is needed on the plans I submit for a building permit?

Each Sheet Of The Plans must include the follow basic information: Job Address; Drawing Scale(s), the date of the drawings, Assessor’s Parcel Number; Owner’s Name; printed contact information, the signature of the person preparing the plans; plans prepared by an Architect or Engineer must stamped and signed. Page 2 of 3 Information Required On Permit … Continued

What are the current applicable construction codes?

The California Building Standards Commission has adopted the following construction codes, which are effective in the City of Belvedere as of January 1, 2014: 2016 California Building Code 2016 California Residential Code 2016 California Plumbing Code 2016 California Green Building Standards Code 2016 California Mechanical Code 2016 California Fire Code 2016 California Electrical Code And … Continued

How many sets of plans do I need to submit for a building permit?

The Building, Planning, and Public Works Departments all accept permit submittals digitally. This is the preferred method of project submittal. The applications can be sent to Planning and Building Permit Technician, Nancy Miller, at, Building Official, Brian Van Son, at, and/or Associate Planner, Samie Malakiman, at Should you wish to submit your … Continued

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