City Hall will be closed Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Planning & Building How-to Guide

Belvedere’s Planning & Building How-to Guide is designed to provide an overview of the City's planning and building process to help you navigate your way through it. 

Note: Most all home projects in Belvedere require either Planning review and approval, Building review and approval or both. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning & Building Department by email or call (415) 435-3838.

Phase 1 – Plan Development

Phase 2 – Design Review

  • Make sure you've confirmed what Planning Review and Approval is required of your project from Phase 1.
  • Complete the Design Review Application and/or any other necessary applications.
  • Review the Design Review Application Checklist.
  • Calculate what City Planning Fees are due with your application.
  • Submit your application(s) for review and approval.
  • Planning staff will review your application for completeness.
    • This review may include input from other relevant City departments.
  • Planning staff will communicate any additional requirements.
  • Once your application is complete and meets requirements, Planning staff may approve your application or, if Planning Commission review is required, schedule a public Design Review Meeting.
  • At that meeting, the Planning Commission will approve, conditionally approve, continue, or deny your project.

Phase 3 – Building Review

Phase 4 – Construction

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